Il 10 giugno 2024 si terrà l’udienza della United States Parole Commission, che riesaminerà dopo molti anni la situazione di  Leonard Peltier, leader nativo americano di ascendenza Lakota/Anishnabe, tra i fondatori dell’Aim (American Indian Movement), che si trova, nonostante sia chiara la sua innocenza, rinchiuso da ormai 48 anni nelle carceri di massima sicurezza statunitensi.
Se la decisione sarà positiva, Peltier potrebbe ottenere la “libertà sulla parola”, più o meno l’equivalente della nostra libertà vigilata. Dopo quasi mezzo secolo di ingiusta reclusione, questa sarà l’ultima occasione per Peltier di poter ricongiungersi ai suoi famigliari, ma anche di poter curare le gravi patologie che lo affliggono.
La cosa più utile da fare in questi pochi giorni che ci separano dalla decisione sul suo caso, è quella di mandare una email alla United States Parole Commission e, in copia, ai suoi avvocati (Kevin Sharp e Jenipher Jones).

Le istruzioni che seguono richiedono pochi minuti e nessuna conoscenza dell’inglese.

e in copia e

Nell’oggetto scrivere: We ask you to release on parole Leonard Peltier.

Incollare nel corpo dell’email il seguente testo dopo aver messo all’inizio data e luogo e alla fine il nome:

To the U.S. Parole Commission

90 K Street N.E., 3rd Floor

Washington, DC 20530

United States of America



Subj.: we ask you to release on parole Leonard Peltier


Dear members of the U.S. Parole Commission,

We are writing to you regarding to the parole hearing of Mr. Leonard Peltier, Federal Prisoner #89637-132 USP Coleman I, Florida, within few days. We respectfully ask you to decide for a compassionate release for Leonard Peltier. On the occasion of this hearing, we would ask you to consider the following circumstances when assessing his case.

Leonard Peltier will be 80 years old this year and has been ill for many years. This is his 49th year in prison. BOP evaluates him as a model prisoner.

Leonard Peltier increasingly suffers from movement and balance problems; he currently needs a walk-assistant. His eyesight is deteriorating; adequate ophthalmologic treatment is not being provided. Peltier was diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which has not yet been operated. There is a risk that Peltier will bleed to death internally within minutes if the aneurysm bursts. He almost bled to death during an operation and was in a coma. He had a stroke and suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems: it made a heart surgery necessary in 2017. Leonard has also been suffering from jaw problems for decades and currently also has dental problems: eating normal food is therefore difficult for him.

Because of Peltier’s advanced age and his precarious health situation alone, and due to the prison conditions that have a significant negative impact on these two aspects, due to constant lockdowns and inadequate medical care, Leonard Peltier’s civil and human rights are considered to have been violated, as summarized by the UN Working Group on Discriminatory Detention 2021 in a 17-page report.

We therefore ask you to release Leonard Peltier from prison on parole. For humanitarian reasons alone, the Commission should decide to take this step. Many thousands of people around the world would welcome it as a decision of humanity, justice and reconciliation.

Thank you in advance! Yours sincerely,



Gli articoli consultabili su Peltier pubblicati sul Manifesto: