
I muri eretti nel Mediterraneo

I muri eretti nel Mediterraneo

Appello Una lettera aperta all’Unione europea firmata da 548 docenti e ricercatori di tutto il mondo per l’ingresso libero dei richiedenti asilio e fermare la soluzione militare al problema che lede il diritto alla mobilità esercitato dai migranti

Pubblicato più di 9 anni faEdizione del 4 giugno 2015

I leader politici europei hanno annunciato che la loro risposta alla sconcertante perdita di vite tra i migranti che attraversano il Mediterraneo con imbarcazioni non adatte alla navigazione sarà l’uso della forza per rompere la cosiddetta «rete» che opera in Libia e organizza i pericolosi attraversamenti. Come? L’11 Maggio, il capo della politica estera dell’Unione Europea, Federica Mogherini, ha dichiarato che «Nessuno pensa di bombardare. Parlo di un’operazione navale». Ma due giorni dopo il Guardian ha pubblicato un documento strategico che è trapelato riguardante una missione europea nel Mediterraneo e nelle acque territoriali libiche proponendo una campagna aerea e navale. Questo, dice il documento, porterà ad alcuni «danni collaterali». In altre parole, adulti e bambini a bordo o intenti a salire sulle imbarcazioni attaccate potrebbero essere uccisi. Con o senza bombe, questo «danno collaterale» è un già ben conosciuto prodotto delle misure impiegate dall’Unione Europea per respingere, scoraggiare e far cambiare rotta ai migranti, inclusi i richiedenti asilo.

Dove risiede la giustificazione morale perché alcune delle nazioni più ricche del mondo impieghino la loro forza navale e tecnologica in un modo che porta alla morte di uomini, donne e bambini provenienti da alcune delle regioni più povere e devastate dalla guerra del mondo? Una pericolosa perversione storica è stata fatta circolare per rispondere a questa domanda.

In anni recenti, le politiche sui movimenti non autorizzati attraverso le frontiere ha portato a una distinzione tra le attività degli «intermediari di persone» (people smugglers) e dei «trafficanti di esseri umani» (human traffickers). Fare da intermediario implica un accordo volontario e consensuale mentre trafficare è considerata una forma di coercizione e inganno che è stata ripetutamente collegata alla tratta degli schiavi da politici, giornalisti e addirittura alcuni attivisti contro la schiavitù contemporanea. I pericoli di quest’analogia sono ora resi manifesti dall’uso intercambiabile dei termini «intermediario» e «trafficante» riguardo ai migranti che attraversano il Mediterraneo. Ed è questa elisione che rende possibile ai leader dell’Unione Europea discutere l’uso della forza militare sulle coste dell’Africa settentrionale come se questa fosse una necessità morale. «I trafficanti di esseri umani sono i trafficanti di schiavi del ventunesimo secolo, e devono essere consegnati alla giustizia», ha scritto recentemente sul «New York Times» il Primo Ministro italiano Matteo Renzi. Quando il problema è posto in questo modo, la loro promessa di «identificare, catturare e distruggere» le imbarcazioni di chi fa muovere i migranti appare come una decisione dura obbligata dall’apparizione improvvisa di un male molto più grande – una moderna tratta degli schiavi.
Ma ciò è palesemente falso e opportunista. Gli studi accademici sulla storia della schiavitù rendono dolorosamente chiaro che ciò che sta succedendo nel Mediterraneo oggi non somiglia nemmeno lontanamente alla tratta transatlantica degli schiavi. Gli africani resi in schiavitù non volevano spostarsi. Erano tenuti in celle prima di essere incatenati e caricati sulle navi. Doveva essere loro impedita la scelta del suicidio alla prospettiva di essere trasportati forzatamente. Il trasporto conduceva a un solo e tremendo esito: la schiavitù.

Oggi, chi intraprende un viaggio verso l’Europa vuole spostarsi. Se fosse libero di farlo utilizzerebbe i voli che le compagnie aeree low-cost operano tra il Nord Africa e l’Europa. E non sono gli «schiavisti» o i «trafficanti» ad impedire l’accesso a questo itinerario privo di pericoli.

È vero che chi vuole migrare è talvolta costretto a terribili condizioni in Libia, ma non in celle per poi essere forzatamente trasportati come schiavi. Piuttosto, molti sono detenuti in centri di detenzione per immigrati, finanziati in parte dall’Unione Europea, dove sia adulti che bambini sono a rischio di violenze, inclusa la fustigazione, le botte e la tortura. E il risultato per chi riesce a imbarcarsi è incerto. Alcuni muoiono in viaggio, alcuni sopravvivono e vengono sfruttati e abusati nei luoghi di arrivo. Ma gli altri che sopravvivono si assicurano per lo meno una possibilità di accedere diritti, protezione, riunificazione familiare, educazione, lavoro, libertà dalla persecuzione.

Questo non è l’equivalente contemporaneo della tratta transatlantica degli schiavi. Provare a fermarla con la forza militare non è rivestire i panni nobili contro il male della schiavitù, o anche contro il «traffico». È semplicemente continuare una lunga tradizione in cui gli stati, inclusi gli stati schiavisti del diciottesimo e diciannovesimo secolo, usano la violenza per impedire che alcuni gruppi di esseri umani si muovano liberamente.
Questa, dovrebbe essere ricordato, è una tradizione che ha trovato il suo culmine nella nota Conferenza di Berlino del 1885 che autorizzò la divisione e conquista dell’Africa da parte dei poteri europei, giustificate dalla volontà di terminare la cosiddetta «schiavitù araba». Nei due decenni che seguirono, milioni di africani persero la vita, tra cui moltissimi congolesi sotto la tutela del grande «filantropo» il Re del Belgio Leopoldo II.

E oggi il modo in cui gli stati europei, e l’Australia, stanno proseguendo questa tradizione è diventato un esempio seguito in tutto il mondo, come evidenziato dallo spettacolo scioccante dei rifugiati Rohingya che tentano di scappare la persecuzione Myanmar in Birmania, ma non gli è permesso di sbarcare in Tailandia, Malesia e Indonesia e sono lasciati a morire in mezzo al mare.

Non c’è alcuna giustificazione morale per misure che portano alla morte di donne, uomini e bambini pacifici, vittime di tortura, e che scappano da persecuzioni e guerre. I leader e i popoli europei devono ricordare la propria storia, recente e passata, e le responsabilità che l’Europa porta per quei corpi nel Mediterraneo e per quelle persone sulle navi. Chiediamo che il maggior numero possibile di rifugiati sia reinsediato in Europa e che le barriere, costruite per proteggere i più ricchi, siano smantellate.

Chiediamo che i leader politici europei smettano di abusare della storia della schiavitù transatlantica per legittimare azioni militari contro i migranti, e che invece si ricordino e agiscano sulla base delle domande di libertà di movimento o di «diritto alla locomozione», espresso dagli attivisti afro-americani contro la schiavitù nel diciannovesimo secolo.

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  1. Marthe Achtnich – University of Oxford
  2. Nilufar Ahmed – Senior Research Officer, Swansea University
  3. Bridget Anderson – Professor, COMPAS, University of Oxford
  4. Ruben Andersson – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of International Development, LSE
  5. Kehinde Andrews – Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Birmingham City University
  6. Ana Lucia Araujo – Professor of History, Howard University, Washington DC
  7. Paola Bacchetta – Associate Professor, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  8. Oliver Bakewell – Co-Director IMI and Associate Professor, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
  9. Dr Alex Balch – Senior lecturer, Department of Politics, Centre for the Study of International Slavery (CSIS), University of Liverpool
  10. Manuel Barcia – Professor of Latin American History, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, Deputy Director – Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, University of Leeds
  11. Jenny Barrett – DPhil in International Development, University of Oxford
  12. David Bartram – Department of Sociology, University of Leicester
  13. Tanja Bastia – Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
  14. Harald Bauder – Academic Director, Ryerson Centre for Immigration & Settlement (RCIS), Professor of Geography, Ryerson University
  15. Esma Baycan – Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva
  16. Laya Behbahani – Business & Policy Analyst, Simon Fraser University
  17. Alice Bellagamba – Professor Political Anthropology, African Studies, University of Milan-Bicocca
  18. Fatiha Belmessous – Researcher, Université de Lyon
  19. Nikki Berg Burin – Assistant Professor of History and Women & Gender Studies, University of North Dakota
  20. Gurminder K. Bhambra – Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick
  21. Sirma Bilge – Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Université de Montréal, Québec
  22. Elizabeth Bishop – Associate Professor, Modern Arab History, Texas State University
  23. Carin Björngren Cuadra – Associate Professor, Department of Social work, Malmö University
  24. David Blight – Professor of American History, Yale University
  25. Prof. Dr. Manuela Boatcă – Sociology of global inequalities, Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
  26. Anthony Bogues – Asa Messer Professor of Humanities and Critical Theory, Director for the Center of Slavery and Justice, Brown University, USA
  27. Eileen Boris – Hull Professor, History, Global Studies and Black Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
  28. Laura Brace – Senior Lecturer, Politics, University of Leicester
  29. Avtar Brah – Professor Emerita, Birkbeck College, University of London
  30. Pepijn Brandon – NWO-Rubicon Fellow, Post-doctoral Associate, History Department, University of Pittsburgh
  31. Karen E. Bravo – Professor of Law, Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Indiana University
  32. Jan Brezger – Research Associate, Freie University, Berlin
  33. Prof. Dr. Sabine Broeck – Universität Bremen
  34. Thomas C. Buchanan – University of Adelaide
  35. Alice Bullard – Chief Executive Officer, IRA-USA and former Professor of History, Georgia Institute of the Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  36. Vernon Burton – Director Clemson CyberInstitute, Creativity Professor Humanities, Professor of History, Sociology, and Computer Science, Clemson University; emeritus University of Illinois
  37. Marco Buttino – Storia contemporanea, Dipartimento Culture, Politica e Società, Università di Torino
  38. Bridget Byrne – Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester
  39. Mariana P. Candido – Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Kansas
  40. Joseph Carens – Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto
  41. Isabel Maria Estrada Carvalhais – Assistant Professor, University of Minho, Portugal
  42. Stephen Castles – Professor, Research Chair in Sociology, School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Sydney
  43. Mateja Celestina – Research Associate, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University
  44. Robin Celikates – Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
  45. Myriam Cherti – Migration Researcher, University of Oxford
  46. Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick – Assistant Professor of Political Sociology, Central European University, Budapest
  47. Dr Emma Christopher – University of Technology Sydney/ Anti-Slavery Australia
  48. Robin Cohen – Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford
  49. Kathleen M. Coll – Assistant Professor, Politics Department, University of San Francisco
  50. John “Sean” Condon – Associate Professor and Chair, History Department, Merrimack College
  51. Heaven Crawley – FAcSSm, Chair in International Migration, Coventry University
  52. Dr. A. Glenn Crothers – Associate Professor of History, University of Louisville
  53. Daniela Danna – Research Fellow, Università degli studi di Milano
  54. David Brion Davis – Sterling Professor of History Emeritus, Yale University
  55. Nicholas De Genova – Reader in Urban Geography, King’s College London
  56. Jeroen de Kloet – Professor of Globalisation Studies, University of Amsterdam
  57. Luke De Noronha – Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology, University of Oxford
  58. Nigel de Noronha – PhD Candidate in Social Statistics, University of Manchester
  59. Jan-Georg Deutsch – Associate Professor in Commonwealth History, Fellow, St Cross College, University of Oxford
  60. Anna Di Bartolomeo – Research Fellow, Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
  61. Seymour Drescher – Distinguished Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh
  62. Franck Duvell – Senior Researcher & Associate Professor, University of Oxford
  63. Dace Dzenovska – Associate Professor Migration, University of Oxford
  64. David Eltis – Robert W. Woodruff Professor of History, Emory University
  65. Pieter Emmer – Professor Emeritus, Department of History, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
  66. Hakan Erdem – Faculty Member, Sabanci University
  67. Umut Erel – Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University
  68. James Esson – Lecturer in Human Geography, Loughborough University
  69. Nicholas J. Evans – Lecturer in Diaspora History, Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation, University of Hull
  70. Bronwen Everill – King’s College London
  71. Anne Fairchild – Historic Sites Program Manager, Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites
  72. Toyin Falola – Professor of History, University of Texas at Austin
  73. Sara R. Farris – Sociology Department, Goldsmiths college, University of London
  74. Karwan Fatah-Black – Leiden University, the Netherlands
  75. David Feldman – Professor and Director Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism, School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy Birkbeck, University of London
  76. Sandrina Ferreira Antunes – Assistant Professor, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
  77. Deborah A. Field – Professor of History, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan
  78. David Scott FitzGerald – Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, San Diego
  79. Bernard K. Freamon – Professor of Law and Director Zanzibar Program on Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking, Seton Hall Law School One Newark Center, Newark, New Jersey
  80. Judy Fudge – Professor, Kent Law School
  81. Paolo Gaibazzi – Research Fellow, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
  82. Marco Gardini – Post-Docoral Fellow, University of Milano-Bicocca
  83. Andrew Geddes FAcSS – Professor of Politics, University of Sheffield
  84. Malick Ghachem – Associate Professor of History, MIT History Faculty
  85. David Theo Goldberg – Professor, Comparative Literature, University of California, Humanities Research Institute, Irvine, California
  86. Christopher A. Graham – Visiting Assistant Professor, History, UNC-Greensboro
  87. Cheryl Greenberg – Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of History, Trinity College, Hartford, CT
  88. Melanie Griffiths – ESRC Future Research Leaders Fellow, University of Bristol
  89. Dean Grodzins – Visiting Scholar, Massachusetts Historical Society
  90. Adrián Groglopo – Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Gothenburg university, Sweden
  91. Juan Jesús Guanche Pérez – Miembro de la Junta Directiva y del Consejo Científico de la Fundación Fernando Ortiz, Coordinador de la Sección de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba en la especialidad de Antropología.
  92. Pamila Gupta – Wiser, University of Witswatersrand, South Africa
  93. Elise A. Guyette – Independent Scholar / Historian, Burlington, VT, USA
  94. Edgar Hassan – Director of QSR2 Solutions Ltd (Social Enterprise)
  95. Dr. Jeffrey Helgeson – Assistant Professor of History, Texas State University
  96. Eureka Henrich – Wellcome Trust Research Fellow,
  97. School of History, University of Leicester
  98. Per Hernaes – Professor of History, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  99. Graham Russell Gao Hodges – George Dorland Langdon, Jr. Professor of History and Africana Studies, Colgate University
  100. Stephen Hodkinson – Director, Institute for the Study of Slavery, Department of Classics, University of Nottingham
  101. Dirk Hoerder – Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University, formerly Universitaet Bremen
  102. Liam Hogan – Independent researcher and historian, Limerick
  103. John Holmwood – Professor of Sociology, University of Nottingham
  104. Michael Honey – Fred and Dorothy Haley Professor of Humanities, University of Washington, Tacoma
  105. Neil Howard – Marie Curie Research Fellow, European University Institute
  106. Forrest Hylton – Northwestern University
  107. Engin Isin – Professor of Politics, The Open University
  108. Maurice Jackson – Georgetown University, Washington DC
  109. Christine M. Jacobsen – Professor, University of Bergen
  110. Yolande Jansen – Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
  111. Thibaut Jaulin – Marie Curie Fellow, CERI – Sciences Po, Paris
  112. Malarvizhi Jayanth – PhD Student, South Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of Chicago
  113. Hiranthi Jayaweera – Researcher Migration, University of Oxford
  114. Andrew M. Jefferson – Senior Researcher, Danish Institute Against Torture
  115. Irmelin Joelsson – DPhil candidate, University of Oxford
  116. Isabelle Johansson – PhD Candidate Social Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Lund University
  117. Martin Ottovay Jorgensen – Joint Phd Fellow, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University (Denmark) & Department of history, University of Ghent (Belgium)
  118. Roberta Julian – Associate Professor School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania, Australia
  119. Nisha Kapoor – Lecturer, University of York
  120. Lena Karamanidou – Department of Sociology, City University
  121. Maria Karaulova – Doctoral Researcher, University of Manchester
  122. Shingo Kato – Assistant Professor, Keio University, Tokyo
  123. Kerwin Kaye – Assistant Professor Sociology, Wesleyan University
  124. Esra Kaytaz – Dphil candidate, University of Oxford
  125. Kamala Kempadoo – Professor, Department of Social Science, York University, Canada
  126. Dr. Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie – Associate Professor of History, Howard University
  127. Suvi Keskinen – Academy Research Fellow, Department of Social Research, University of Turku, Finland
  128. Khatija Khader – PhD Candidate, CIPOD, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  129. Eric Kimball – Assistant Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
  130. Danielle Kinsey – Assistant Professor, Department of History, Carleton University, Ottawa
  131. Martin Klein – Professor emeritus of History, University of Toronto
  132. Nauja Kleist – Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies
  133. Louise W. Knight – Visiting Scholar, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, Northwestern University
  134. Ifigeneia Kokkali – Politecnico di Milano, Dip. Architettura e Studi Urbani
  135. Helga Konrad – Executive Director Anti-Trafficking, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe IDM, Head/Coordinator of Regional Implementation Initiative on Preventing & Combating Human Trafficking
  136. Prabha Kotiswaran – Senior Lecturer, Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College, London
  137. Leena Kumarappan – Senior Research Fellow, London Metropolitan University
  138. Dr Sarah Kyambi – Anti-Trafficking Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
  139. Benjamin N. Lawrance – Hon. Barber B. Conable, Jr. Endowed Chair in International Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology
  140. Genevieve LeBaron – Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow, Department of Politics, University of Sheffield
  141. Clara Lecadet – Postdoctoral fellow, Social Anthropology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris
  142. Prof. Dr. Baz Lecocq – Chair African History, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin
  143. Rob Lemkin – Film maker, Oxford
  144. Katharina Lenner – Postdoctoral fellow, Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies, Jordan University, & Associated Researcher, Institut Français du Proche-Orient (ifpo), Amman
  145. Jens Lerche – Reader in Agrarian and Labour Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
  146. Giulia Liberatore – Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Oxford
  147. Peter Linebaugh – Professor of History, University of Toledo
  148. Abdulaziz Y. Lodhi – Professor Emeritus, Department of Linguistics & Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden
  149. Paul E. Lovejoy FRSC – Distinguished Research Professor, Canada Research Chair in African Diaspora History, York University, Toronto
  150. Richard K. MacMaster – (retired) University of Florida
  151. Cetta Mainwaring – Assistant Professor, Sociology and Legal Studies, University of Waterloo, Canada
  152. Bharat Malkani – Lecturer, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham
  153. Virginia Mantouvalou – Reader in Human Rights and Labour Law, Co-Director of the Institute for Human Rights, University College London
  154. Faith Marchal – PhD Candidate, School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London
  155. Abdeslam Marfouk – International Migration Researcher, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  156. Yvonni Markaki – Research Officer, Migration Observatory, University of Oxford
  157. Martina Martignoni – PhD student, University of Leicester
  158. Scott C. Martin – Professor of History and American Culture Studies Chair, Dept. of History, Bowling Green State University
  159. Enrique Martino – PhD Research Fellow, Humboldt University of Berlin
  160. Lucy Mayblin – Research Fellow, Department of Politics, University of Sheffield
  161. Achille Mbembe – Research Professor in History and Politics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
  162. W. Caleb McDaniel – Assistant Professor of History, Rice University
  163. Siobhán McGrath – Lecturer in Human Geography, Durham University
  164. John R. McKivigan – Editor Frederick Douglass Papers, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
  165. Aidan McQuade – Anti-Slavery International
  166. Alexander Meckelburg – Ph.D. Student, Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies, University of Hamburg
  167. Kathryn Medien – ESRC Doctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology and Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, University of Warwick
  168. Dario Melossi – Department of Legal Studies, School of Law, University of Bologna
  169. Sandro Mezzadra – Professor, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, University of Bologna
  170. Alessandra Mezzadri – Lecturer in Development Studies, SOAS, London
  171. Fabiola Mieres – Research Associate, Durham University
  172. Randall Miller – Professor of History, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia
  173. Margot Minardi – Associate Professor of History and Humanities, Reed College, Portland, Oregon
  174. Sverre Molland – Lecturer in Anthropology, Development Studies, Australian National University
  175. Ismael Montana – Northern Illinois University
  176. Anne Elizabeth Moore – independent journalist, Chicago Illinois
  177. Laura Morales – Professor in Comparative Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester
  178. Ian Morrison – Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology (SAPE), The American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt
  179. Yasser Moullan – International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
  180. Michael Nausner – Vice Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology, Reutlingen School of Theology
  181. Anders Neergaard – Associate Professor, Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), ISV, Linköping University
  182. Antonio Luigi Negro – Associate Professor of History at UFBa
  183. Melanie J. Newton – Director of Caribbean Studies at New College & Associate Professor of History, University of Toronto
  184. Dr. Abdarahmane Ngaide – Enseingant-chercheur au département d’histoire de la FLSH/UCAD (Dakar, Sénégal)
  185. Amy Niang – Lecturer in international Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
  186. Sian Nicholas – Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University
  187. Jessica Ayesha Northey – Research Associate, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University
  188. Ninna Nyberg Sørensen – Senior researcher, Research Coordinator, DIIS, Denmark
  189. Mary Nyquist – Professor of English, University of Toronto
  190. Julia O’Connell Davidson – Professor of Sociology, University of Nottingham
  191. Samuel Okyere – Lecturer in Sociology, University of Nottingham
  192. Caroline Oliver – Senior Researcher, COMPAS, University of Oxford
  193. Mojubaolu Olufunke Okome – Professor of Political Science, African & Women’s Studies, Brooklyn College, CUNY
  194. Ann Ostendorf – Assistant Professor of History, Gonzaga University
  195. Elisavet Pakis – Independent Researcher
  196. Polly Pallister-Wilkins – Department of Politics, University of Amsterdam
  197. Dimitris Papadopoulos – Reader in Sociology and Organization, Management School, University of Leicester
  198. Damian Alan Pargas – Associate Professor of History, Leiden University
  199. Michael Parrish – Professor of History, Baylor University
  200. Diana Paton – Reader in Caribbean History, Newcastle University
  201. Lotte Pelckmans – Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies
  202. Nicola Phillips – Professor of Political Economy, University of Sheffield
  203. Jo Phoenix – Professor of Criminology, University of Leicester
  204. Teresa Piacentini – Sociology, University of Glasgow
  205. Linda Pitelka – Professor of History, Maryville University
  206. Tamara Plakins – Thornton Professor, Department of History, State University of New York, Buffalo
  207. Jessica R. Pliley – Texas State University
  208. George R. Price – Lecturer, Depts. of Native American Studies and History and the African American Studies Program, University of Montana
  209. Keith Pringle – Professor Emeritus in Sociology, Uppsala University, Honorary Professor, University of Warwick, Professor Emeritus in Social Policy and Social work, London Metropolitan University
  210. Lara Putnam – Professor and Chair, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh
  211. Joel Quirk – Associate Professor in Political Studies, University of the Witwatersrand
  212. John W. Quist – Professor, Shippensburg University
  213. Parvati Raghuram – Director of OpenSpace Research Centre, Geography Department, The Open University,
  214. Victoria Redclift – Lecturer in Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Surrey
  215. Marcus Rediker – Distinguished Professor of Atlantic History, University of Pittsburgh
  216. João José Reis – Professor of History, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
  217. Rita Ribeiro – Assistant Professor, University of Minho, Portugal
  218. David Richardson – Professor Emeritus, Economic History, University of Hull
  219. Marlise Richter – Sonke Gender Justice, South Africa
  220. Georgia Rigg – Leadership Lead, RECLAIM Project, Manchester
  221. Kate Roberts – Community Advocate, Kalayaan, London
  222. Stacey Robertson – Central Washington University
  223. Caroline Robinson – Policy Director, Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX)
  224. Stephen J. Rockel – Associate Professor, History, Director, African Studies, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Toronto
  225. Cathy Rodabaugh – Professional and Graduate Studies, Hiram College (Ohio)
  226. Dr Marie Rodet – Lecturer in the History of Africa, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS)
  227. David R. Roediger – Foundation Distinguished Professor of American Studies and History, Kansas University
  228. Ben Rogaly – Professor of Human Geography, University of Sussex
  229. Pernille Røge – Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, PA
  230. Mary Romero – Carnegie Scholar, Professor, Justice & Social Inquiry, Arizona State University
  231. Benedetta Rossi – Lecturer in African Studies, University of Birmingham
  232. Stephen L. Rozman – Professor of Political Science, Tougaloo College
  233. Vincenzo Ruggiero – Professor, School of Law, Middlesex University
  234. Anita Rupprecht – Senior Lecturer, University of Brighton
  235. Alex Sager – Assistant Professor, Portland State University
  236. Chandler B. Saint – President, Beecher House Center for the Study of Equal Rights, Co-director Documenting Venture Smith Project
  237. Mohammed Bashir Salau – Associate Professor of history, University of Mississippi
  238. Kerstin Sandell – Associate Professor, Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden
  239. Lena Sawyer – Associate Professor of Social Work, Gothenburg University, Sweden
  240. Marta Scaglioni – PhD Candidate at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and Milano-BIcocca, Italy
  241. Carl-Ulrik Schierup – Professor, REMESO
  242. Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society, Linköping University, Sweden
  243. Annelie Schlaug – PhD candidate Peace and Conflict Research, Lund University, Sweden
  244. Camille Schmoll – Laboratoire CNRS Géographie-cités, Université Paris
  245. Patricia Schor – Utrecht University
  246. Rebecca J. Scott – Professor of History and Law, University of Michigan
  247. Ahmadou Sehou – Enseignant chercheur, Département d’histoire, Université de Maroua, Cameroun
  248. Giorgia Serughetti – University of Milano-Bicocca
  249. Svati P. Shah – Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  250. Nandita Sharma – Director, International Cultural Studies Program and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii at Mānoa
  251. Eva Sheppard Wolf – Professor of History, San Francisco State University
  252. Robbie Shilliam – Reader in International Relations, Queen Mary University of London
  253. Isabel Shutes – Assistant Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  254. James Sidbury – Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Professor of the Humanities, Rice University
  255. Nando Sigona – Senior Lecturer & Birmingham Fellow, Deputy Director, Institute for Research into Superdiversity, School of Social Policy, University of Birmingham
  256. Stephanie Silverman – The Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa
  257. Ibrahim Sirkeci – Ria Financial Professor, Regent’s Centre for Transnational Studies, Regent’s University London
  258. Ala Sirriyeh – Lecturer in Sociology, Keele University
  259. Wolbert G.C. Smidt – Associate Professor in Ethnohistory, Department of History and Cultural Studies, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
  260. Gretchen Soderlund – Associate Professor of Media History, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
  261. Stacey Sommerdyk – University of the Witwatersrand
  262. Tim Soriano – PhD Candidate in History, The University of Illinois at Chicago
  263. Randy J. Sparks – Professor of History, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
  264. Suzanne B. Spring – Senior Lecturer in Writing and Rhetoric, Colgate University
  265. James Brewer Stewart – James Wallace Professor of History, Emeritus, Macalester College, Founder, Historians Against Slavery
  266. Julia Suárez-Krabbe – Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University
  267. James H. Sweet – Vilas-Jartz Distinguished Professor, Department of History, University of Wisconsin
  268. Sachi Takaya – Associate Professor, Okayama University, Japan
  269. Stephanie Tamby – PhD Candidate, Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities, University of Mauritius
  270. Dr. Anastasia Tataryn – Warwick Law School, University of Warwick
  271. Mekonnen Tesfahuney – Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Media & Communication, Karlstads University, Sweden
  272. Patrizia Testaì – researcher, Defence for Children Italy
  273. Cameron Thibos – Migration specialist and Managing Editor of Beyond Trafficking and Slavery
  274. Chuck Thiesson – Research Fellow in Peacebuilding, Coventry University
  275. Ibrahima Thioub – Professor of History, Director of the Centre Africain de Recherches sur les Traites et les Esclavages (CARTE), Cheikh Anta Diop, University of Dakar – Senegal
  276. Zoe Trodd – Professor and Chair of American Literature, University of Nottingham
  277. Joseph Tsigbe – Maître-assistant d’histoire contemporaine, Université de Lomé
  278. John R. Van Atta – The Brunswick School, Greenwich, CT
  279. Huub Van Baar – Assistant Professor/Research Fellow, University of Giessen, University of Amsterdam
  280. Nicholas Van Hear – Researcher on Migration, University of Oxford
  281. Marieke van Houte – Postdoctoral Research Fellow, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
  282. Henk van Houtum – Nijmegen Centre for Border Research, Radboud, University Nijmegen
  283. William C. Van Norman – Associate Professor of History, James Madison University
  284. Alex van Stipriaan – Professor of Caribbean History, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  285. Eric Vanhaute – Professor Economic and World History, Ghent University, Belgium
  286. Jo Vearey – Associate Professor and Postgraduate Coordinator: African Centre for Migration & Society, University of the Witwatersrand
  287. Alessandra Venturini – Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute (EUI), Florence
  288. Simona Vezzoli – Research Officer, International Migration Institute, Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford
  289. Tom Vickers – Northumbria University
  290. Dora-Olivia Vicol – Dphil Candidate
  291. Maria Villares – Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), Birmingham Business School
  292. Bastian Vollmer – Leverhulme Fellow, University of Oxford
  293. Michael Vorenberg – Associate Professor of History, Brown University
  294. Iain Walker – Migration researcher, University of Oxford
  295. Dr. Kerry Ward – Associate Professor of History, Rice University
  296. Klaus Weber – European University Viadrina, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European Economic and Social History, Frankfurt (Oder)
  297. Julia Welland – Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick
  298. Susanne Wessendorf – Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS), School of Social Policy, University of Birmingham
  299. Christine Whyte – Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, School of History, Kent University
  300. Hanna Wikström – Researcher, Department of Law, Uppsala University; Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg
  301. John Alexander Williams – Professor, Department of History, Bradley University
  302. David C. Williard – Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of St. Thomas
  303. Sharon E. Wood – Professor of History, University of Nebraska at Omaha
  304. Kirsten E. Wood – Associate Professor of History, Florida International University
  305. Tryon P. Woods – Sociology/Anthropology/Crime & Justice Studies, Black Studies and Women & Gender Studies, affiliate University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
  306. Karen Woods Weierman – Professor of English, Worcester State University (Massachusetts, USA)
  307. Agnes Woolley – Lecturer in Contemporary Literature, Royal Holloway, University of London
  308. Robert E. Wright – Nef Family Chair of Political Economy,
  309. Augustana College, South Dakota
  310. Debbie Wright – Producer, From Liberty to Captivity, President, Do What’s Wright Production Company
  311. Donald Yacovone – Associate, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University
  312. Natalie Zemon Davis – Professor Emeritus, Princeton University and University of Toronto
  313. Prof. Dr. Michael Zeuske – Iberische u Lateinamerikanische Abt, U zu Koeln
  1. Tanja Aalberts – Transnational Legal Studies, VU university, Amsterdam
  2. Delphine Abadie – Graduate Student (Philosophy/Africanist Studies), Université de Montréal
  3. Erica Aiazzi – University of Pavia
  4. Melissa Ait – Engineer Ecole Centrale
  5. Maybritt Jill Alpes – Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Law (Migration Law Section), VU University Amsterdam
  6. Juan Amaya-Castro – Associate Professor, UN mandated University for Peace
  7. Paul Anantharajah Tambyah – Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore
  8. Ben Anderson – Lecturer in Twentieth-Century European History, Keele University
  9. Rutvica Andrijasevic – Associate Professor in Management, University of Bristol
  10. Antonela Arhin – Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto
  11. Rosita Armytage – PhD Candidate, Australian National University
  12. Lorena Arocha – Lecturer in Sociology, Associate at UK-IMR, Department of Psychology, Politics and Sociology, Canterbury Christ Church University
  13. Iman Attia – Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin
  14. Sébastien Bachelet – Doctoral candidate in social anthropology, University of Edinburgh
  15. Isabelle Baez – Chargée de cours, Université du Québec à Montréal
  16. Mina Baginova – Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  17. Theodore Baird – Post-doc, VU University Amsterdam
  18. Marzia Barbera – Professor of Labour Law and Antidiscrimination Law, University of Brescia – Italy
  19. Gillian Barker – Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario
  20. Robert Barsky – Vanderbilt University
  21. Bernard Barthalay – Puissance Europe
  22. Laura Bartolini – Research Associate, Global Governance Programme, European University Institute
  23. Cécile Bénoliel – Ph.D. Researcher in EU Law, European University Institute
  24. Maria Bexelius – PhD Candidate, Department of Law, Uppsala University
  25. Andreas Bieler – Professor of Political Economy, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham
  26. Constanze Binder – Assistant Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  27. Megan Blomfield – Postdoctoral Scholar in Philosophy, Center for Ethics in Society, Stanford University
  28. Manuela Bojadzijev – Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM) at the Humboldt University of Berlin
  29. Olivia Bonardi – Dipartimento di scienze sociali e politiche, Università degli studi di Milano
  30. Valeria Bonatti – PhD Candidate, University of Illinois
  31. Linda Bosniak – Rutgers University School of Law
  32. Alec Brookes – Assistant Professor of Russian, Memorial University of Newfoundland
  33. Jan Buelens – Professor of labour law, University of Antwerp
  34. Richard Burnham – Technical writer, Director, Wise Words
  35. Giuseppe Campesi – Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, Università degli Studi di Bari (Italy)
  36. Francesca Capelli – Sociologist, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  37. Gloria Carlini – University of Milano-Bicocca
  38. Bernardo Caycedo – PhD Researcher in Philosophy, University of Amsterdam
  39. Iain Chambers – Professor, University of Naples, L’Orientale
  40. Richard Yetter Chappell – Lecturer in Philosophy, University of York
  41. Gianpaolo Chiriacò – Marie Curie Researcher in ethnomusicology and music of the African diaspora, University of Salento, Italy
  42. Ryoa Chung – Associate Professor, Philosophy, Université de Montréal
  43. Rosie Cox – Reader in Geography, Birkbeck, University of London
  44. Jeff Crisp – Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
  45. Katie Cruz – Lecturer in Law, Keele University
  46. Paolo Cuttitta – Post-Doctoral Researcher, VU University Amsterdam
  47. Tina Davis – PhD Candidate, University of Sydney
  48. Hein de Haas – Co-Director International Migration Institute, University of Oxford; Professor, University of Maastricht
  49. Maria de Lourdes Borges – Professor at University of Santa Catarina, Brasil
  50. Leonie Ansems de Vries – Lecturer in Politics, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London
  51. Marie-Benedicte Dembour – Professor of Law and Anthropology, Brighton Business School, University of Brighton
  52. Emily Diab – PhD Candidate in Public International Law at the Law Faculty of Uppsala University
  53. Dimitri Dimoulis – Professor of constitutional law, Law School, Getulio Vargas Foudation, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  54. Jan Dobbernack – Senior Lecturer, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lincoln
  55. Sonja Dolinsek – PhD Student, History, University Erfurt
  56. Ida Dominijanni – Research Fellow, Cornell Univ., Ithaca (NY)
  57. Giorgia Dona – Professor University of East London
  58. Nick Drofiak – PhD student, history and theory of architecture, ETH Zürich
  59. Matt Duffy – London
  60. Elizabeth Elbourne – Associate Professor in the Department of History and Classical Studies, McGill University, Montreal
  61. Sally Engle Merry – Silver Professor and Associate Chair Department of Anthropology, New York University
  62. Jo Esra – College of Humanities, University of Exeter
  63. Silvia Evangelisti – School of History, University of East Anglia
  64. Federico Faloppa – Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and European Studies, University of Reading
  65. Max Farrar – Emeritus Professor, Leeds Beckett University, UK
  66. Francesco Fasani – Lecturer, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London
  67. Giovanna Fassetta – University of Glasgow
  68. Leslie Fesenmyer – ESRC Future Research Leaders Fellow, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford
  69. Hart Nadav Feuer – Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
  70. Mira Fey – PhD student and research assistant, Department of International Relations/Political Science, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
  71. Laura Fiocco – Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Studies, University of Calabria, Italy
  72. Karolina Follis – Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, Lancaster University
  73. Costas Gaganakis – Associate Professor, Dpt of History, University of Athens
  74. Megan Gallagher – Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles
  75. Paola Gandolfi – Senior Lecturer, University of Bergamo, Italy
  76. Glenda Garelli – PhD candidate, University of Illinois Chicago
  77. Steve Garner – The Open University
  78. Vivian Gerrand – Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute
  79. Olga Gerstenberger – Researcher, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin
  80. Francis Ghilès – Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB
  81. Halleh Ghorashi – Professor of Sociology, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  82. Ben Gidley – Associate Professor, COMPAS, University of Oxford
  83. Klaus-Gerd Giesen – Professor of Political Science, Université d’Auvergne
  84. Giovanna Gioli – Postdoctoral scientist, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg
  85. Giovanna Gioli – Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg
  86. Amanda Glasbeek – Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies, York University (Toronto, Canada)
  87. Luin Goldring – Associate Professor of Sociology, York University, Toronto (Canada)
  88. Anna Goppel – Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy, University of Bern
  89. Katarzyna Grabska – Research Fellow, Anthropology and Sociology of Development, Global Migration Centre and Associated Researcher, Ahfad University for Women, Omdurman, Sudan
  90. Helen Grace – Associate, Department of Gender & Cultural Studies, University of Sydney
  91. Sarah Green – Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki
  92. Neil Gregor – Department of History, University of Southampton
  93. Jan Grill – Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester
  94. Zoe Groves – Lecturer in African History, Cambridge University
  95. Aitana Guia – Assistant Professor (CLA), History, York University
  96. Daniel Hadas – Lecturer in Medieval Latin, Department of History, King’s College London
  97. Jeff Handmaker – Senior Lecturer, Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam
  98. Will Hanley – Assistant Professor, Department of History, Florida State University
  99. Javier Hidalgo – Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond
  100. Helen Hintjens – International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, The Hague
  101. Talitha Hirsch – National and Transnational Studies, Bremen
  102. Sophia Hoffmann – Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of International and Interncultural Studies, University of Bremen
  103. Dienke Hondius – Assistant professor of history, VU University Amsterdam
  104. Ruth Horn – Ethics and Society Wellcome Trust Fellow, The Ethox Centre, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
  105. Annette Hübschle – Centre of Criminology/Institute for Humanities in Africa, University of Cape Town
  106. Samia Hurst – Professor of Bioethics, Institute for Ethics, History, and the Humanities, Geneva University Medical School, Switzerland
  107. Patricia Hynes – University of Bedfordshire
  108. Dirk Jacobs – Professor in sociology, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
  109. Rahel Jaeggi – Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
  110. Hans Ulrich Jessurun d’Oliveira – Professor emeritus migration law, University of Amsterdam
  111. Natali Vania Jesus – M.A. in Cultural and Visual Anthropology & African Studies
  112. Martin Bak Jørgensen – Associate Professor, Aalborg University
  113. Nina María Jurisch – Technical University Berlin, Institute for Sociology (Gender, Media and Communication Studies)
  114. Panagiotis Kanellopoulos – Associate Professor of Music Education, University of Thessaly, Greece
  115. Tom Kemp – PhD Candidate, Kent Law School
  116. Mahmoud Keshavarz – Malmö University, Sweden
  117. Samantha King – Professor, School of Kinesiology & Health Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
  118. Julie Klein – Associate Professor of Philosophy, Villanova University, USA
  119. Kira Kosnick – Professor of Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt
  120. Michele Lancione – Urban Studies PostDoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
  121. Lydia Langerwerf – University of Groningen
  122. Nora Lanier – Doctoral candidate, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford
  123. Tamara Last – PhD, Migration Law, VU University Amsterdam
  124. Raffaele Laudani – Associate professor of History of Political Thought and Atlantic Studies, Department of History, University of Bologna
  125. Raffaele Laudani – Associate Professor of History of Political Thought and Atlantic Studies, Department of History, University of Bologna
  126. Martin Lemberg-Pedersen – Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Advanced Migration Studies, University of Copenhagen
  127. Alan Lester – Professor of Historical Geography, University of Sussex
  128. Antonina Levatino – Political and Social Sciences Department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  129. Mark Levene – Reader in History, University of Southampton
  130. Hannah Lewis – Critical Human Geography Research Fellow, University of Leeds
  131. Natasha Lightfoot – Assistant Professor of History, Columbia University
  132. Sylvie Loriaux – Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Laval University
  133. Marta Lotto – PhD candidate, University of Paris 8
  134. Martin Lundsteen – Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona
  135. Audrey Macklin – Professor and Chair in Human Rights Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
  136. Ewa Macura-Nnamdi – Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  137. Roda Madziva – Leverhulme Research Fellow, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham
  138. Stephanie Maher – PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington
  139. Nicola Mai – Professor of Sociology and Migration Studies, London Metropolitan University
  140. Richard Mallett – Overseas Development Institute
  141. Alejandra Mancilla – Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, CSMN, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo
  142. Sabrina Marchetti – Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
  143. Franziska Martinsen – Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
  144. Laurence Mazure – International independent journalist, Periodista internacional independiente
  145. Jacinthe Mazzocchetti – LAAP-UCL
  146. E Ann McDougall – Professor, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, Canada
  147. Victor Merino – Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, Rovira i Virgili University (Spain)
  148. Julian Molina – Doctoral Candidate in Sociology, University of Warwick
  149. Pierre Monforte – Lecturer in Sociology, University of Leicester
  150. Karl Monsma – Professor of Sociology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  151. Marcia Morgan – Associate Professor, Director, Women’s and Gender Studies, Department of Philosophy, Muhlenberg College
  152. Parvati Nair – Queen Mary, University of London
  153. Joseph Nevins – Associate Professor of Geography, Vassar College
  154. Salvo Nicolosi – Postdoctoral Researcher in International Human Rights Law, Human Rights Centre – Ghent University
  155. Judith Norman – Trinity University
  156. John Oldfield – Wilberforce Professor of Slavery and Emancipation, Director of the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation (WISE), University of Hull
  157. Federico Oliveri – Research Fellow, Sciences for Peace Interdisciplinary Centre, Editorial coordinator of “Scienza e Pace” Online Journal, University of Pisa
  158. Ricardo Ortega – Master’s student, Malmö University
  159. David Owen – Politics and IR, University of Southampton
  160. Ingar Palmlund – Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University
  161. Amin Parsa – Doctoral Candidate in Public International Law, Lund University, Sweden
  162. Francesco Pasetti – Researcher at GRITIM-UPF, PhD Candidate at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Social and Political Science
  163. Natalia Paszkiewicz – Anthropologist and Independent researcher
  164. Rebecca Pates – Professor, Political Science, Leipzig University
  165. Bandana Pattanaik – International Coordinator, Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, Bangkok, Thailand
  166. Yannis Pechtelidis – University of Thessaly, Greece
  167. Daniel Tourinho Peres – Associate professor department of philosophy Universidade Federal da Bahia
  168. Pina Piccolo – Independent scholar and cultural activist, organizing around migrant issues, Bologna, Italy
  169. Veronique Pin-Fat – Senior Lecturer in International Politics, Centre for International Politics, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester
  170. Adrian Piper – Adrian Piper Research Archive, APRA Foundation Berlin
  171. Maria Pisani – Department of Youth & Community Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta
  172. Tamar Pitch – Professor of legal philosophy and sociology of law, University of Perugia, Italy
  173. Sine Plambech – Post.Doc-Fellow, Danish Institute for International Studies
  174. Nigel Pleasants – University of Exeter
  175. Regina Polak – Associate Professor, Department of Practical Theology, Catholic Faculty of the University of Vienna
  176. Kerry Preibisch – Associate Professor, University of Guelph
  177. Baukje Prins – Professor Citizenship and Diversity, The Hague University for Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
  178. Timothy Raeymaekers – Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Zurich
  179. Lynette Reid – Associate Professor, Department of Bioethics, Dalhousie University
  180. Rachel Robbins – Senior Lecturer, Social Work Manchester Metropolitan University
  181. Alejandro Rosas – Philosophy Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  182. Angus Ross – School of Philosophy, University of East Anglia, UK
  183. Katarzyna Grabska Rubio – Lecturer in Economic History, University of Alicante, Spain
  184. Sawitri Saharso – Prof. Department of Sociology, VU University
  185. Julija Sardelic – Max Weber Fellow, European University Institute
  186. Rosemary Sayigh – Visiting professor, CMES, American University of Beirut
  187. Yael Schacher – American Studies, University of Connecticut
  188. Stephan Scheel – Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London
  189. Eric Schliesser – BOF Research Professor, Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University
  190. Bas Schotel – Assistant-professor Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam
  191. Niklas Selberg – PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden
  192. Kiril Sharapov – Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Bedfordshire
  193. Giulia Sinatti – Lecturer, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  194. May-Len Skilbrei – Professor Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo
  195. Stephanie Smallwood – Associate Professor of History, University of Washington
  196. Nicola Smith – University of Birmingham
  197. Priscilla Solano – PhD Candidate Sociology, Lund University
  198. Astrid Sommer – Translator, Wuerzburg
  199. Federica Sossi – Professor of Aesthetics, Dipartimento di Lettere e filosofia, University of Bergamo
  200. Elisabetta Spano – Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh
  201. Thomas Spijkerboer – Professor of Migration Law
  202. Vicki Squire – Associate Professor of International Security, Department of Politics and International Studies, The University of Warwick
  203. Renata Šribar – Faculty for the Postgraduate Studies of the Humanities, Univerza v Ljubljani
  204. Titus Stahl – Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Groningen
  205. Kelly Staples – Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester
  206. Mollie Steward – Retired Associate Professor of Mathematics, Cumberland County College, Vineland, NJ
  207. Maurice Stierl – Associate Fellow, Warwick University
  208. Inka Stock – University of Bielefeld, Germany
  209. Kendra Strauss – Assistant Professor, The Labour Studies Program & The Morgan Centre for Labour Research, Associate Member, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University
  210. Cemal Burak Tansel – PhD Candidate, University of Nottingham
  211. Savaş Taş – Research Officer, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
  212. Barbara Taylor – Prof of Humanities, Queen Mary University of London
  213. Mariam Thalos – Professor of Philosophy, University of Utah
  214. Thomas Thurston – Director of Education, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University
  215. Lisa Tilley – Erasmus Mundus GEM Joint Doctoral Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick
  216. Julia Tischler – Humboldt University in Berlin
  217. Omid Tofighian – ARC Research Assistant, Department of Philosophy – SOPHI, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney
  218. Gabriele Tomei – Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa (IT)
  219. Christoph Tometten – Berlin
  220. Anna Triandafyllidou – Director of the Cultural Pluralism Research Area. Global Governance Programme. European University Institute and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies
  221. Natasha Tsangarides – Director, The Testimony Project
  222. Georgina Tsolidis – Professor of Education, Faculty of Education and Arts, Federation University
  223. Thomas Tyerman – PhD researcher, Politics, University of Manchester
  224. Lorenzo Vianelli – PhD Candidate, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick
  225. Darshan Vigneswaran – Co-Director, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, University of Amsterdam
  226. Sarah Walker – Researcher, COMPAS, University of Oxford
  227. Paul Ward – Professor of Modern British History, University of Huddersfield
  228. Alistair Welchman – Associate Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Classics, University of Texas at San Antonio
  229. Verina Wild – Senior Assistant in Biomedical Ethics, University of Zurich
  230. Joanna Wiseman – PhD student at Newcastle University
  231. Margoth Gonzalez Woge – PhD student at the University of the Basque Country
  232. Zegnet Yimer – Graduate Student, University Of Texas
  233. Darij Zadnikar – University of Ljubljana
  234. Valentina Zagaria – PhD Candidate Anthropology Department, LSE
  235. Cheradenine Zakalwe – Lecturer in Intercultural Studies, Glasgow Caledonian University
  236. Tahir Zaman – SOAS, University of London
  237. Jana Ziegler – Manager, Ben Lawers Hotel, UK

548 Giovanna Zunica – Teacher of Biology, Liceo artistico F. Arcangeli, Bologna, Italy

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